STA retail advertising has seriously hurt people
This is the story of a man on matrixwatch who was scammed out of more than 120,000 dollars. He never got a dime for his money. Now he has received a 1099 stating that he has earned 40,000 dollars with STA. I would like one of you pro-YM people to come here and explain how you can read this and still talk Kim and YMs praises.
Firstly I am not rich. I have become poor and homeless because Kim Inman scammed me out of everythingin I ever had. including all my IRA savings + I refinanced my house and took out all the cash I had accumulated in 15 years + I sold my car + I maxed out on all my Credit cards ( this I did at the advise of People who were on Kim Inman's payroll pretending to be investors like me). All together I sent over 120,000 Dollars to Kim Inman and his fraudulent Internet company YMMSS / STA.
Now I have to use the local library's computer to even post this.
I did all this because Kim Inman and his crooked wife Sue Inman and several other people who were on his payroll pretending to be investors fooled me. They made me believe that Kim Inman was God inflesh. After meeting Kim and all his crooked people, I was so excited that I was willing to risk my life and my marriage for Kim Inman. they scammed me and hypnotized me.
Kim Inman has caused me to become Homeless, penny less with no Credit left to my name. My wife left me because of this. I have suffered physically, metally and emotionally as a direct result of Kim Inman's scam and fraud.
Kim Inman is a shameless Criminal with no concsience. Kim Inman and his crooked partner in crime his wife Sue Inman are the liars and the modern Bonny and Clyd of Internet.
Kim Inman is a filthy criminal. He doesn't care about what he feeds to his family is the blood that he has sucked from me and other victims like me.
Kim Inman must pay for his filthy scams, lies and his crimes.
I have alredy contacted IRS and several other Federal authorities and have filed complains against Kim Inman and his Fradulent Internet compay YMMSS / STA. However I have no money left to my name to hire an attorney. If anyone knows of an attorney who would take my case on percentage basis, please let me know.
He would like you to know about these "inside" scammers...
Kim Inman
Mike Hamilton
Steve Rose
Jim Hakim
Mark Boike
Dave Summitt
Jim Reynolds
Barry Eschenberg
Owen Jennings
Graham Paris
Steve Fitzsimmons
Gary Harvey
STA Member
One of those successful YMMSS members with a 6 figure income:
sta retail advertising and google
I had someone brag to me the other day how when you did a search on sta retail advertising staretail came up in the first 5 spots. At the time I think it was true. But things change fast in the google world friends. I just did a search and I think the first 2 now were some college with a description of retail advertising and the next 2 were statravel.
Hmmm, I guess all that bogus google clicking doesn't work.
Gee, go figure, Google is smarter than YMMSS STA.
Visit Success Through Advertising (STA) today and see what you have been missing. Advertising success may be yours with the help of the effective retail advertising services offered by STA.
Don't bother, you are missing nothing. What advertiser in their right mind thinks people are going to just go and look at ads and buy. Either they are already in a buying mood in which case they are going to one of the compare shopping sites or they are seeing ads while they are being entertained. STA retail advertising does neither of these.
From the STA website:
We will provide you with personal service every step of the way. Your retail ad will exceed the ROI you now receive, guaranteed. Or we'll work with you until it does. Our committed base of readers will be supplemented by thousands of new visitors every day. Each ad will be META-tagged and searchable. We intend to place our site among the Web's top 100. Our affiliates are disposed to buy what you are advertising. Our immediate affiliate goal is 100,000. We'll give you full service as a regular advertiser and colleague, building the Web's advertising future together.
Exceed your ROI, guaranteed. Right, STA YM has already shown thousands of members that their guarantees mean nothing. Work with you until it does. Even if it takes a thousand years! Which is how long it will take some members to get their investment in this company back.
Committed readers?? We should be committed for ever trusting them in the first place.
Disposed to buy what you are offering? We have no disposable income to be so disposed. YMMSS STA has already ripped off what extra money we had.
We intend to place our site among the Web's top 100. And they will do whatever it takes, manipulating alexa rankings, forcing members to false click and try to fox the google search engine.
Goal of 100,000. That has been the goal forever. They will tell you it is 25K right now. But I don't think so. Watch how many impressions you get. Do a test.
STA Retail Advertising
OK, lets start at the start...with the name "STA Retail Advertising".
So if STA stands for "Success Through Advertising" then the whole thing with the acronym spelled out is "Success Through Advertising Retail Advertising".
Hmmm...I don't know, seems kind of redundant to me.
What's next, oh yeah, did they tell you they used to be called YMMSS, Your Money Machine Success System. But it turned out to be a Ponzi scam and they have taken the money and are now trying to legitimize themselves with this charade.
Well STA or YMMSS or whatever you call yourselves next, you can run, but you can't hide. You can fold and crawl back under whatever slimy rock you came from, but if you are going to be on the net, we will be watching and waiting.